Linking everything together

Embracing change and discovering unique, future-ready, and sustainable solutions excite us.

At Canem, we are breaking the mold by moving away from traditional models that slow the adoption of technology. We look at construction challenges as opportunities to innovate and push beyond the limits of expectations.

We offer end-to-end, full lifecycle solutions by combining our technical expertise and robust processes with fresh ideas that are supported by decades of experience. Our team of experts across Canada focus on risk reduction and quality control, leading to consistent and sound solutions for our clients.

For Canem, a primary focus is on planning, efficiency, and how building systems integration links them all together to show financial justification.


Toronto Western Hospital

Canem installed a heating and cooling system upgrade at the Toronto Western Hospital, utilizing thermal energy from wastewater in the Toronto sewer to meet 90% of the campus' heating and cooling requirements. This results in an annual reduction of approximately 8,400 metric tonnes in direct greenhouse gas emissions.